Friday, January 1, 2010

Calliope "Callie" Song

Calliope "Callie" Song

Name meaning:

1 capitalized : the Greek Muse of heroic poetry
2 : a keyboard musical instrument resembling an organ and consisting of a series of whistles sounded by steam or compressed air

Age: 21
Birthday: February 14
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 99 lb
Build: slim

Hair color: blonde
Eye color: green
Distinguishing marks: none
Shoe size: 6
Voice: Strong, if a bit high pitched, clear, does not mumble

Favorite color: sky blue
Favorite food: tangerines
Favorite drink: vanilla cappuccino
Favorite books: Philosophy written by humans, specifically atheists
Favorite music: depends

Hobbies: Origami, reading, singing, playing the harmonica
Talents: Unusually powerful demon; also “I dance dirty pretty fucking well”
Hopes: To “either bring myself up, or bring the world down trying”
Fears: Death

Friends: Belfrey “Bel” Chordata
Yearning: N/A
Enemies: She makes a bunch of them

Personality summary: A little vain, secretly arrogant with a veneer of humility; can use people if she wanted to for convenience but generally is too tired to put up the effort for anyone, has the ability to be whatever she wants in the exterior, a master manipulator. Enjoys keeping both friends and enemies very close and at times her relationships blur between these two lines.

Is terrified of most people, and justifies her actions by saying she cannot help how she is. Uses her charm to bring herself up hell’s social and political ladder. Puts herself first and foremost.

"No hard feelings, guys, I don't really hate any of you, I just like myself better" kind of gal.

Secret: Sometimes thinks that she is God